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Recommended Reluctant Readers LKS2.png

Reluctant Readers
Lower Key Stage 2  (Year 3  & Year 4: Ages 7+)

As teachers, parents, librarians, we need to help children find their motivation to read. We can achieve this by matching books to their hobbies, interests and passions. Luckily, we are living in a golden age of children’s literature!


Below is a hand-picked selection of books to engage children in Year 3 & Year 4 who haven’t found their passion for reading yet! It is important that we don’t simply restrict books to fiction and non-fiction. Picture books are just as important. Where a child finds it difficult to digest large blocks of text, try my selection of super readable stories, illustrated fiction and diary-style books. My selection of factual favourites is great for children who find it easier processing quick and quirky facts.


Laugh-out-loud, funny fiction always goes down a treat with children! Providing a child with a book where they have seen the film version is another favourable way to engage interest from the start. Colour fiction books are also growing in popularity and help bring stories to life.

Check out my Top 100 Recommended Reads for Year 3 and Year 4 if you're looking for more to top up your classroom bookshelf collections and browse through my other booklists if you're looking for other subjects, topics, genres and themes. There's always more being added!

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