In The Boy Who Sang With Dragons, we reunite with Tomas and the superhero squad for one last time and we really start to see how far they have all now come. Tomas is now a fully-fledged expert dragon grower and protector of the dragonfruit tree. Compared to his experiences of dealing with dragons in the first book, he's now gone through learning how to nurture them and is firmly in control of them or so it seems until huge secrets are revealed in this adventure about new friends. When Tomas realises that Aura’s links with the dragons go back further than his, he can't help but feel upset. But as pieces of the puzzle come together and more information is unravelled about her and the amazing dragons, it becomes clear that he actually has nothing to worry about. And as for the rest of the superhero squad (I've always had a soft spot for Ted and his sense of comedic and witty timing!), pastures new beckon for some but for all there is another journey of discovery and possibility awaiting - including the dragons.

The wonderful world that Andy Shepherd has created in these books is simply adorable. One of which will find its place in many young readers' hearts and minds as one of their absolute favourites, as it is mine. Filled with helpings of humour, her outstanding storytelling shines with an uplifting radiance and glow like the dragons she writes about. But ultimately there are three main things that are truly at the heart of these books: the dragons, the friendships formed and the family dynamics.
And as such, this is more than a fitting finale (for now!) and send-off for the superhero squad and for fans of this five-book and five-star series.

The Boy Who Sang With Dragons is available to order online through Amazon or through your local independent bookshop.
Click on each book cover to order the rest of The Boy Who Grew Dragons series here:
Thank you to Andy and Kirsten for inviting me to be part of the The Boy Who Sang With Dragons blog tour and to Piccadilly Press, the publishers, for sending me a copy of the book to review.
