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Recommended Non-Fiction UKS2 Twitter.png

Non-fiction, factual and information books
Upper Key Stage 2  (Year 5 & Year 6: Ages 9+)

Non-fiction books enable children to learn about people, places and events that have shaped our world. They encourage children to question and critically-think about the issues facing our society.


Below is a selection of non-fiction books from awesome adventures to beautiful biographies.


Encourage self-belief with the believe in yourself collection and inspire children to make positive changes to our world with facts for a better future. Show children that history is herstory too and that representation matters. Travel through space with out-of-this-world facts and wow children with extraordinary evolution. Help children get ahead of the game by equipping them with the tools they need and by showing them that knowledge is power.


If you are not sure where to start, take a look at the award-winning non-fiction collection that celebrates the best factual books for children published in the last few years.

Check out my Top 100 Recommended Reads for Year 5 and Year 6 if you're looking for more to top up your classroom bookshelf collections and browse through my other booklists if you're looking for other subjects, topics, genres and themes. There's always more being added!

Click on each book cover to view more information or order on Amazon.

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